We promote, restore and protect our historic Boyne River and its essential watershed so that residents of Carman and the RM of Dufferin can enjoy and honour this invaluable resource.
We believe that people will respect and honour the river if they use it to have fun and discover their flow.
We value family, community, nature, and the deep relationship between the Boyne River and those who love it.
Voice of the River
A history and story of the Boyne River running through Carman, Manitoba told in the Voice of the River. Created for the Boyne River Keepers.
Conservation. Recreation. Restoration.
In the summer of 2019...
a small group of citizens came together and discovered a common desire to re-establish the recreational value of our beautiful but forgotten river. The banks were strewn with deadfall, garbage was littered throughout the waters and access to the river was quite cumbersome. Since then, the group has grown and matured into an organized assembly including Board of Directors, Executive Members and General Membership numbering 60+ people. We are well supported by the Town of Carman and RM of Dufferin, donors, volunteers and lovers of the river.
For more history of the Boyne River please see
https://carmandufferinheritage.ca/pdfs/Boyne River history expanded version.pdf

Meet our beautiful Boyne.
We do water.
We reach out.
We have fun.
We work together.
We get things done.
The Pandemic

The Boyne River, a beautiful waterway that twists and curls whimsically through the Town of Carman and RM of Dufferin, became under-appreciated for its recreational charm. The isolation and restrictions of the COVID 19 pandemic proved to be a catalyst for change. During the winter of 2020, when recreational sports were prohibited, the community unified, and skating trails, walking trails, fire pits, ice fishing holes, and hockey rinks popped up all along the route. The relatively mild winter resulted in the River once again evolving to support the community. The River path became an essential source of physical, mental and social health which was accessible and free for anyone to enjoy as they wished. The Boyne River skating trails become popular not only to residents in the RM of Dufferin and Town of Carman, but also welcomed visitors from other areas of the province and beyond.

“The rivers flow not past, but through us, thrilling, tingling, vibrating every fibre and cell of the substance of our bodies, making them glide and sing.”
-John Muir