Past Events
World Rivers Day
23 September 2023
It was a cool and rainy day on Sept 23, 2023 when the Boyne River Keepers and Chamber of Commerce celebrated World Rivers Day, but it did not deter the 50+ pirates from coming out for our 3rd Parade of Pirates Poker Derby.
The Treasure Chest Market moved under the protection of the Ryall Park Bandstand where we listened to Gord Laschuk, participated in a costume contest and purchased lots of goodies from the vendors and community groups.
The Carman and Community Chamber of Commerce put on a treasure hunt in the downtown that the kids totally enjoyed.
The winner of the Poker Derby was Heather Russell from Winnipeg. It was her 2rd year participating with a borrowed kayak so she was very pleased to take home the grand prize of a 10’ Pelican Kayak. Second prize of a disc golf set went to Amanda Rheault .
The costume judging was organized by Toews Printing top prize was award by Maxine Toews to Cora Peterson.
We all had a great time and want to thank the many volunteers as well as the pirates who came out to help with Poker stations, parking, promotion, and at the Treasure Chest Market.

World Rivers Day 2022
24 September 2022
The Parade Of Pirates Poker Derby: a Pirate-themed free family friendly Poker Derby
Treasure Chest Market: local vendors and community group information tables
Treasure Chest Sidewalk Sale: Local businesses and restaurants present a town wide sidewalk sale.
Entertainment and kids activities: Treasure Hunt downtown, The Flattops Band and more.
Great Prizes!
Winners of the day included:
Olivia Kletke took first prize of a 10 ft Pelican Kayak, paddle and lifejacket with 4 Queens in the Poker Derby
Dwier Termeer won 100$ Chamber Bucks for second prize with a diamond flush.
The Treasure Hunt Winners -coming soon
The 50-50 draw was won by Chris Memme

Monday Night Paddle
11 June 2022
Meet at the Trestle Bridge Launch just south of the elementary school to join the community paddle night. Every Monday!

A Current Affair
22 April 2022
An Elegant Evening of Wine, Appetizers + Socializing Join us for an evening of fun, fashion and food with Entertainment by The Rainy Day Apparel
bursting into Spring with a Fashion Show
Silent Auction + Raffle in support of the proposed Ryall Park River Launch
Last year, the raffle, silent auction, donations and ticket sales brought us a profit of $9669 that will support the new launch. For more information please see About/Projects
Event Schedule
6:15pm - Doors Open
7:30pm - Fashion show
10:00pm - Prizes awarded
11:00pm - Event concludes

World Rivers Day 2021
26 September 2021
1PM: River Parade
Ahoy! Dress up and participate in yer watercraft or stay a landlover 'n watch from the riverbank or bridges
2:30-4:30PM: Art in Ryall park
Everyone of all ages are invited to join Nigel Bart of GPAC in creating a collaborative work of art honouring our beautiful Boyne River.
Read more about it on our news page

A Current Affair
23 April 2021
An Elegant Evening of Wine, Appetizers + Socializing with Entertainment by The Rainy Day Apparel
Silent Auction + Raffle in support of the new launch
We broke out of the pandemic and had a blast!! Beautiful ladies, beautiful prizes, and beautiful music.
The raffle, silent auction, donations and ticket sales brought us a profit of 9669$ that will be used for the proposed new Ryall Park River Launch. For more information please see About/Projects
The best part of this evening was coming out of isolation and reconnecting.